The Zimmatic Trailblazer Sustainable Irrigation Awards exist to acknowledge the world-class leadership farmers demonstrate in regard to water management. The Trailblazer Awards celebrates excellence and provides a platform to share the stories of farmers who are leading the way in responsible irrigation, innovative water management and environmental stewardship. The Awards are run bi-annually, alternating between Australia and New Zealand.

The Trailblazer Irrigation Study Tour was introduced in 2023 offering valuable international networking and learning opportunities, and an amazing experience. Following the success of the inaugural tour, a study tour has been added as a regular feature in between the award years. Click here for more information.


Boost Your Irrigation Knowledge and Maximize Efficiency This Season!

Join us for an engaging, hands-on workshop designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools to improve your farm's irrigation performance.


On a daily basis we work with farmers demonstrating world-class practice in water management. Trailblazer gives us the opportunity to tell these stories to the wider audience with our winners’ stories profiled through local and international media.